Symptoms of a Thyroid Disease

Top 7 Alarming Symptoms of a Thyroid Disease:


1. Excessive Exhaustion


Although experiencing tiredness and feeling like that you are having no energy levels are mainly the issues associated with actually a lot of conditions, but they’re strongly connected with hypothyroidism, a disorder that’s the result of too inadequate or too little thyroid hormone. If you’re tired in the morning or all day even after a full good quality night’s sleep, that’s a clue that your thyroid may be underactive.

Too little of the thyroid hormone transporting through your bloodstream and cells means that your muscles aren’t getting the get-going signal. “Although a little vague but fatigue is the number one symptom I see,” says Dr. Miller.


2. Gloomy Feeling


Unexplainable depression or sadness can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Why? Because the production of inadequate thyroid hormone can have an impact on levels of serotonin in the brain which can impact your psychological relaxation.


3. Increase in Appetite


If you feel more hungry than before then this can be an outcome of hyperthyroidism as too much of thyroid hormone can make you feel hungry all the time. The only good thing is that the “hyper” part of the thyroid disorder typically offset the caloric impact so you will not actually gain any weight.

An underactive thyroid can mess up with your taste buds and appetite as well.

4. Fuzziness in Brain

Surely, it could also be caused by sleep deprivation or aging, but cognitive functioning can take a hit when your thyroid is out of the whack. Too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can also cause deplete your concentration levels (hypothyroidism) and may also cause acute dementia and general brain fog. “When we start treating patients for hypothyroidism, they are often surprised that how fast their fuzziness goes away and how much sharper they feel,” says Dr. Miller.

Also Read: What is Thyroid?


5. Irregular Periods


Longer & heavier menstrual periods with a heavier flow and more cramps can be a sign of hypothyroidism when thyroid hormones are short in supply. Periods may be closer together.

With hyperthyroidism, higher levels of TSH cause various menstrual irregularities in a different way. Periods are shorter, farther apart and may be very light. “I always ask my patients about their period cycles and if they’re regular or not,” says Dr. Miller.


6. Hoarseness & change in the Shape of Neck


A sudden change in your voice pitch or a lump in your throat can also be a sign of a thyroid disorder. An efficient way to check is to take a good look at your neck to see if you can notice any signs of thyroid swelling. You can do a physical examination of your own thyroid at home with these specific directions from American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists:

Use a hand mirror and watch your throat as you drink a glass of water. You’re checking for any peculiar bulges or protrusions in the thyroid area, which is below your voice box but above your collarbones. If you detect anything which lumpy or even suspicious, see your doctor as soon as possible.


7. Unaccountable Weight Gain


Most of the people who are suffering from hypothyroidism experience weight gain which cannot be explained by any scientific evidence “Patients reported that they are not eating more than what they used to eat but their weight is growing like anything irrespective of the number of exercises that they do and diet that they follow” says Dr Tenma.

On the other hand, excessive weight loss without any effort or cause can be an outcome of hyperthyroidism.
